Reliability and validity of mbti
Reliability and validity of mbti

reliability and validity of mbti

Neuroscience expert Dario Nardi has conducted brain scans on individuals to test Jung’s theory of cognitive functions. There’s scientific evidence that backs up the Myers-Briggs® theory and the Isabel Briggs-Myers Memorial Library has hundreds of case studies on file that show the research behind the validity of the MBTI® instrument.

reliability and validity of mbti

I decided in the end that the MBTI® tool isn’t perfect, but the theory and research behind personality type checks out and is extremely useful. Initially, I was skeptical of the test and read various arguments against it trying to determine where I stood. Personality typing has its critics and its die-hard fans. I’m pretty leery of subscribing to any particular belief or system that I can’t 100% verify as logically sound. Along with loving the idea of the test, I’m also a skeptic.

  • Okay, it’s fun – but is the MBTI Reliable and Valid?Įstimated reading time: 6 minutes Okay, it’s fun – but is the MBTI Reliable and Valid?.
  • I’ve since become a certified MBTI® practitioner and love to talk to people about their personality and the amazing nuances that make them unique from everyone else! Well, maybe I did, but at least now I understood why! Many people have this kind of “aha!” realization after they discover their type. I am an INFJ and when I first read the description for my type I suddenly felt like I wasn’t a complete weirdo anymore. It’s always exciting to be able to narrow down which personality type you have, or the type of someone you know. If you click on a link and purchase a book then I get a small kickback that I can use to keep my site running and pay for hosting fees.

    reliability and validity of mbti

    This article contains Amazon Affiliate Links. Not sure what your personality type is? Take our new personality questionnaire here. Eighty-nine companies out of the US Fortune 100 make use of it for recruitment and selection, and two and a half million Americans take the test yearly Are you an extrovert or an introvert? Do you make decisions based on feeling or thinking? This might all sound very “teen magazine” to you, but the truth stands that is a very widely used and respected test. Myers-Briggs® psychology is based on the work of psychologist Carl Jung (see Psychological Types), and reveals to you one of sixteen personality types that you fit into. One of the fascinations of my life for the last ten years has been the Myers Briggs Assessment Tool and personality psychology.

    Reliability and validity of mbti